PT Acts and Rules

PT Rules effective May 15, 2024 See also the list of rules adopted after this issue was published.

PT Practice Act – includes legislative changes effective June 18, 2023

New editions of the Act and Rules are published periodically. The latest complete editions are always available on this page. The Board adopts new rules or amends existing ones between editions.

About the Act and Rules

The 62nd Texas Legislature enacted the Physical Therapy Practice Act in 1971. The Act has been revised many times in the years since; most recently by the 87th Legislature, effective September 1, 2021. All rules adopted by the Board are based on the Act.

As mandated by the Practice Act, the PT Board adopts rules to govern the practice of physical therapy in the State. Rules are adopted, changed and repealed in response to developments in physical therapy practice, administrative changes, or legislative mandates. The rules are established as minimum standards, to ensure that the public is adequately protected.

The rulemaking process takes about six months, from proposal to effective date. The Board meets three or four times a year; in almost all cases, the Board will propose a rule at one meeting and vote on its adoption (with or without changes) at the next meeting. The rule automatically goes into effect 20 days after filing the notice of adoption with the Texas Register, unless otherwise stated.

PT Adopted Rules

Rule amendments that were adopted after the last issue of the Rules was compiled will be listed here. The rules on this page supersede the rules in the complete issue. These amendments will be incorporated into the next complete issue of the PT Rules.

PT Proposed Rules

Have a question or comment about the proposed rules? Send your question or comment to the Board at info@ptot.texas.go