Affidavit of Small Succession in Louisiana (Including Forms)

In certain cases, the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession can allow the transfer of property without a judicial succession, saving time and money. But strict qualification rules apply and it may not work in every situation even if you qualify. A similar form can be used to transfer titled vehicles, trailers (including mobile homes) and boats which is given to the DMV or Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Affidavit of Small Succession in Louisiana (Including Forms)

What is an Affidavit of Small Succession in Louisiana? It can avoid probate in certain cases. Read on.

This is an affidavit, signed by at least two (2) people, before two (2) witnesses and a Notary Public, that can, in certain circumstances, be used in instead of a Louisiana succession (probate).

In my practice, I most often use the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession when someone has died, and the only thing owned of substance by the decedent was a house, mobile home, autos and boats, or other modestly valued real estate. It is usually not a good option if the decedent had bank accounts (for reasons detailed below). The Affidavit of Small Succession must be signed under penalties of perjury, so you can’t lie on the form just to avoid probate. It is generally no longer than about 3 pages, and it can save a lot of time and expense, if you qualify.

The Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession is authorized by statute in La. C.C.P. art. 3421.1. It’s obvious purpose is to help small estates avoid the costs and expense of probate. Other statues may apply, such as La. C.C.P. art. 3432, and La. C.C.P. art. 3431, etc.

How would you qualify? First, under current law (2021) the decedent must have died with assets less than $125,000 in value. If the decedent’s assets exceed $125,000, you will have to go the normal probate route. Note that this is gross value, not net value. Now, before you start saying, “Can’t I just do a Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession and say that daddy’s $200,000 house was worth only $125,000?” Well you can, but keep in mind that if the IRS (or the Louisiana Department of Revenue) audits you after you sell daddy’s house for $200,000, they will take the position that the house had a tax basis of only $125,000, when in fact if you had gone through the regular probate process you would have said it was worth $200,000 (thereby stepping up its tax basis). After all, you said in the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession, a signed statement under oath, that it was worth $125,000. So, bingo, you just created a $75,000 capital gain that you and the other heirs would be taxed on. The moral of the story is: don’t lie.

The second big requirement is that all heirs who are available to sign the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession must sign it. So if there are 5 heirs, the general rule is that all 5 must sign to avoid a probate proceeding. There is an exception that I will not discuss here. Note that at least two (2) people have to sign the Affidavit of Small Succession in Louisiana. Accordingly, if there is only one heir, then another person familiar with the decedent’s estate must also sign.

The third big requirement, although not mentioned in the statute, is generally that the succession should be free (or relatively free) of debt. This is because if there are relatively substantial debts of the decedent, the succession will be obligated to pay those debts. A probate proceeding is the normal route needed to pay off debts, because if there are debts, the heirs who inherit pursuant to the affidavit will be obligated to pay those debts (to the extent of the property they inherit). Another way to put this is that you don’t want a creditor of your father or mother hounding you.

There are many other things that must be sworn to in the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession, but the three big things above are the important ones for purposes of this article.

Sounds like a good deal to avoid probate, doesn’t it? Well, it can be a good deal to avoid a Louisiana probate in certain narrow situations. But in my experience, the Affidavit of Small Succession’s application in Louisiana is limited. Most importantly because the Affidavit of Small Succession is used most often for a small home worth less than $125,000, as well as mobile homes, cars and boats, and little to nothing else.

That is because most banks or investment account custodians will never accept a Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession. Even though the affidavit is authorized in Louisiana in lieu of a succession proceeding (a probate proceeding), banks want the signature of a judge in a probate proceeding authorizing you to be put on a decedent’s bank account (unless you happen to be the surviving spouse, then some banks generally relax their own internal rules). This is their approach even if the bank account balance is very small. So if the decedent had a bank account of any size, or had an out of state bank or brokerage account, a Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession is not going to work for you. Generally, I would put the bank account size at no more than about $800 – $1,000 to do the affidavit procedure (because this is cash you will lose; the banks generally won’t give you access to the account with only the affidavit). There are no bright lines here, this is just my estimate.

Another reason the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession’s application to avoid probate is limited is that if that home needs to be sold (remember, this procedure is generally for a home under $125,000 and little else), this affidavit is a poor choice. That is because if all heirs are now owners of the home made possible by the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession, and one of those heirs is living in the home (or is not living in it but wants to), the only way for the other heirs to get their share of the home’s value would be to sue the heir(s) that does not want to sell (because he or she is typically living in it rent free) in a Partition lawsuit. The remedy in a Partition lawsuit is almost always the home is sold at a sheriff’s sale for cash or sold at a private sale for cash. The partition lawsuit can be an expensive judicial process.

The only way to avoid this bad situation is to go through the normal probate procedure and petition the judge to list the house for sale and eventually sell the house in the succession proceeding. In my experience, most judges will grant this petition (even if it is opposed) if the alternative is siblings suing one another in a Partition proceeding, part of which is the eventual sale of the home.

The bottom line is that the Affidavit of Small Succession to avoid probate in Louisiana can be a useful tool in certain narrow circumstances. But don’t let your estate planning revolve around it eventually being used. It’s not a planning device. It’s a cost avoidance mechanism if the situation is right. I usually draft Louisiana Affidavits of Small Succession for those clients at rates much lower than a full blown succession, and court costs are usually saved as well.

Transferring Automobiles, Mobiles Homes, Trailers and Boats by Affidavit

In addition to the Affidavit of Small Succession discussed above, and if the succession will not go through the normal probate process, you could transfer mobile homes, automobies, cars, trailers (including trailers that haul boats) and any other vehicle registered with the Louisiana Department of Motor Vehicles. This form issued by the Louisiana DMV is meant to transfer the title of the vehicle from the name of the decedent into the names of the decedent’s heirs. All heirs must sign and it must be signed before a Notary Public. Here is the form: Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Office of Motor Vehicles Affidavit of Heirship

Because it is likely that not all heirs will want to jointly own the vehicles, the heirs can donate their share of the vehicle to other heirs. Use this DMV form to donate: Act of Donation of a Movable

Should you wish to sell the vehicle to someone, use this generic DMV form as the Bill of Sale: Bill of Sale

These forms are presented to the DMV to transfer title on vehicles without liens on them.

A similar form can be used for boats through the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Use this form for boats: Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Boat Title and Registration Affidavit for Transfer of Decedent’s Boat

Heirs can also transfer their share in the boat to other heirs by using this form (instead of an Act of Donation) and use only $1 as the transfer amount. This form would be given to the Wildlife and Fisheries to title the boat in the name of one person: Bill of Sale of Boat/Motor

For all of these forms you will need the VIN number (obtained from a copy of the title or DMV registration certificate) and the boat license number as well as a state-issued original of the Decedent’s Death Certificate.

Keep in mind that these forms are not necessary if you are listing the vehicles, trailers and boat in the Affidavit of Small Succession (discussed above) or if they are included in a regular judicial succession. However, I occassionally see cases in which a Louisiana resident dies and all he or she owns is a vehicle, mobile home and/or boat, and these forms can be used in lieu of an Affidavit of Small Succession or judicial succession.

To learn more about Louisiana-specific estate planning topics read these articles: What is Louisiana Forced Heirship? and Is My Will Void If I Get Divorced? and How Do I Write a Will?

BOOK A CALL with Ted today to discuss how or if the Louisiana Affidavit of Small Succession could apply to your loved one’s estate and your situation.