Static Electricity

Did you know that the Greeks called amber "elektron"? It's interesting because in 600 BC, a Greek mathematician named Thales noticed that when he rubbed a piece of amber with wool, it attracted dust, crumbs, and cat hair. This was one of the first times anyone had ever seen the effects of what we now call static electricity.

Basically, static electricity happens when there are too many negative or positive electric charges in or on something. causes objects to either attract or repel each other when they rub together. And way back in Thales' time, they didn't know there were two different types of electric charge, so this was a big discovery.

It wasn't until Benjamin Franklin came along in the 1700s that we got the names "positive" and "negative" for electric charges. Franklin suggested that glass rods had a positive charge and plastic rods had a negative charge. Over time, we've learned a lot more about how electric charges work thanks to advances in physics. But it all started with Thales and his observation of the effects of static electricity!

File:Benjamin Franklin 1767.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Atoms are the building blocks of everything around us. They're made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus, which is the center of the atom. Nuclear physics is interested in these particles because they require a lot of energy to be separated from each other.

Electrons, on the other hand, are much easier to move around. They orbit the nucleus and can be removed from the atom or added to it pretty easily. When an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, it's neutral. But if there are more electrons, it's negatively charged, and if there are fewer, it's positively charged.

The unit of electric charge is called the Coulomb, and the smallest charge found in nature is the charge of the electron. That's why we call it an "elementary charge" or a "unit charge". It's amazing to think that everything around us is made up of these tiny particles!

Static Electricity Examples

The gain or loss of electrons by an atom is called charging. Atoms can gain or lose electrons in different ways. As a result, substances can be electrically charged in different ways. When neutral (uncharged) objects are brought close to each other, no attraction or repulsion is observed.

When you rub two objects against each other, like wool fabric and a plastic rod, an exchange of electrons takes place. The object that receives electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that donates electrons becomes positively charged. So, in this example, the plastic rod is positively charged, and the wool fabric is negatively charged.

Objects that are charged by friction have equal and opposite charges. The object that accepts electrons is negatively charged, while the object that donates electrons is positively charged. The total amount of charge before and after the rubbing is always the same because of the conservation of charge.

Electrostatic forces are non-contact forces, meaning they can act on objects without touching them. For example, if you bring two plastic rods that have the same charge close together, they'll repel each other. The same thing happens with two glass rods rubbed with silk cloth. This experiment shows that objects with the same electric charge push each other away.

When two plastic rods rub against a piece of wool or two glass rods rubbed with silk cloth are brought closer together, the rods repel each other

When the plastic rod that has been rubbed against the wool fabric and the glass rod that's been rubbed against the silk fabric are brought closer together, they attract each other.

A similar phenomenon is observed when rubbing together wool fabric and a plastic rod, or silk fabric and a glass rod. This shows that objects charged with opposite electric charges attract each other. Due to the repulsive force and the attractive force exerted by the objects on each other, we can be sure that two types of charge must exist.

Objects charged with opposite electric charges attract each other

The result of this experiment can be summarized as follows: Charged objects with the same electric charge repel each other, and charged objects with opposite electric charges attract each other.

Uses of Static Electricity

Static electricity is all around us and is used in various applications. It's used for pollution control, air cleaning, and in the development of technological devices. For instance, static electricity is utilized in photocopying, air filtering for factories, car painting, and mobile phones.

In photocopying, static electricity is used to transfer toner (ink powder) onto paper. The toner is given a static charge and then attracted to the opposite charge on the paper. In air filtering, static electricity is used to attract and trap particles in the air, making it cleaner for people to breathe. Car painting involves using static electricity to attract paint particles to the car's surface, making the application more even and efficient.

Static electricity is also used in mobile phones. The touch screen on a phone works by sensing changes in the electrical charge when a finger touches the screen. This is all possible because of static electricity! Overall, static electricity plays an important role in our daily lives and in many technological advancements.

Pollution control

Electrostatic precipitators are a prime example of how static electricity can be used for pollution control. They work by applying a static charge to the particles in the air, which attracts them and collects them for disposal.

Many power plants use fossil fuels like coal and oil to generate electricity, which produces smoke and other waste gases. These gases contain microscopic solid particles, such as unreacted carbon, which can cause respiratory problems and structural damage. To prevent these particles from escaping into the environment, electrostatic precipitators are used.

The process of removing these particles involves passing the waste gases through a series of metal plates that are charged with electricity. As the plates are charged, they attract the particles in the air, which stick to the plates. The plates are then cleaned periodically, and the collected particles are disposed of properly.

Overall, electrostatic precipitators are an essential tool for pollution control, particularly in power plants that use fossil fuels. By utilizing static electricity, these devices help to create a cleaner and healthier environment for all.

The electrostatic precipitator removes tiny particles from the air by forcing them to become charged then attracted to metal plates

Air may be purified using static electricity. Static electricity is used in air purifiers to change the charges in dust particles so that they attach to a plate or filter of the purifier that has the opposite charge as the dust. These charged particles are drawn to a plate on the device with the opposite charge and attached to it.


In photocopiers, static electricity plays a crucial role in the copying process. A drum or belt is coated with a layer of photoconductive material, which conducts electricity when it's exposed to light.

When light is shone onto a piece of paper on the glass surface of a copier, static electricity projects a pattern of the image onto the positively charged photoreceptive drum below. The positively charged particles on the drum's surface are neutralized by the light that reflects from the blank spaces on the page. However, positive charges are left only on the paper where there are dark spots that do not reflect light.

Negatively charged toner particles are then attracted to these positive charges on the paper, and the toner is transferred to a positively charged sheet of paper. Finally, the toner is fused to the paper using heat, creating a permanent copy of the original document.

Overall, the use of static electricity in photocopiers helps to create accurate, high-quality copies of documents quickly and efficiently. Without static electricity, the process of copying documents would be much more challenging and time-consuming.

A printer is an example of the many and varied uses of static electricity in our daily lives

Electrostatic painting

Electrostatic painting, also known as powder painting, is a process commonly used to paint car bodies. The principle behind this process is the attraction between opposite charges.

In electrostatic painting, electrically charged powder particles are sprayed onto the surface to be painted. The surface to be painted is electrically charged with the opposite charge, which attracts the powder particles and causes them to stick to the surface. This creates a uniform consistent layer of paint on the surface.

After the powder particles have been applied to the surface, the surface is then heated to a high temperature. This causes the powder particles to melt and fuse together, forming a durable and long-lasting coating. The result is a high-quality finish that is resistant to chipping, fading, and other types of wear and tear.

Overall, electrostatic painting is a highly effective and efficient way to paint car bodies and other surfaces. By utilizing the principle of attraction between opposite charges, this process creates a durable and long-lasting finish that is both visually appealing and highly functional.

Electrostatic painting is based on the principle of static electricity

Mobile phones

Capacitive touch screens are widely used in modern smartphones, and are made of materials such as copper or indium tin oxide. These screens store electrical charges in an electrostatic grid of tiny wires, each thinner than a human hair.

When a finger touches the screen, a small amount of electrical charge is transferred from the finger to complete the circuit, resulting in a voltage drop at that location. The device's software then analyses the location of the voltage drop to determine the user's intended action.

Capacitive touch screens have several advantages over other types of touch screens. They are more durable and reliable, and can be used with a stylus or other pointing device. Additionally, they offer greater accuracy and sensitivity, allowing for more precise interactions with the device.

Overall, capacitive touch screens are a crucial element of modern smartphones, and have revolutionized the way we interact with these devices. By using an electrostatic grid of wires and analyzing voltage drops, capacitive touch screens offer a highly accurate and responsive way to interact with our devices, making them an essential part of our daily lives.

A smartphone with a touch screen is also an example of the uses of static electricity

Dangers of Static Electricity

Tankers carrying flammable liquids are at risk of accumulating static electricity charge due to the agitation of the liquid in the tank caused by movement and friction with the surrounding air. This can be extremely dangerous if not properly managed.

To prevent the static electricity charge from reaching dangerous levels, it is necessary to use a grounding chain. The grounding chain provides a path for the static electricity to discharge safely into the ground, preventing any potential sparks that could ignite the flammable liquids.

Trucks carrying flammable liquids must be handled with extreme care to ensure the safety of both the driver and other people on the road. It is essential that all safety precautions are taken, including the use of a grounding chain, to prevent any accidents or incidents that could result in harm or damage.

Overall, the use of a grounding chain is a crucial safety measure when transporting flammable liquids in tankers. By providing a safe path for static electricity to discharge, grounding chains help prevent potential sparks and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Bolts of Lightning

Particles within clouds can become charged due to friction and collision. This can cause the upper part of the cloud to acquire a purely positive charge, while the lower parts become negatively charged. This charge separation can also affect the soil underneath the cloud, causing it to become positively charged.

As the potential difference between the cloud and the ground increases, the insulating air between them begins to become conductive. At a certain point, a current can pierce the air, allowing the high to discharge ground. we know as lightning.

Lightning discharges can have currents ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 amperes. The discharge of this high voltage current can cause damage to structures and pose a serious risk to people in the area.

Overall, lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the buildup of electrical charges within clouds. While it can be a beautiful sight to see, it is important to take precautions to ensure safety during thunderstorms and lightning strikes.


Static electricity on the outside of aeroplanes is formed in three different ways. Lightning strikes during flight, static electricity generated by friction as the aircraft passes through snow, ice, hail, or dust clouds, and static electricity generated by electronic devices. This static electricity is distributed by the pointed metal protrusions on the wingtips of the aircraft.

The static electricity generated on the aircraft can be dangerous if it is not properly managed. If static electricity circulating in the fuselage of the aircraft was to be momentarily released into the air, it could cause a severe discharge that could potentially lead to an explosion. This is why it is important for aircraft to have proper static electricity management systems in place, such as static dischargers, to ensure that the static electricity is properly dissipated and does not become a safety hazard.

Static Electricity in the Body

Electric shocks can be a common experience for many people, caused by the sudden exposure of the body to electricity. When touching an object or making hand contact with someone, crackling sounds are sometimes heard and a sharp jolt can be felt. This is often the result of excess static electricity that has accumulated in the body, which is then discharged when coming into contact with another object or person.

These types of electric shocks are generally harmless, but they can be uncomfortable or even painful. They are more likely to occur in dry environments, as moisture in the air can help to dissipate static electricity. Wearing shoes with rubber soles or using anti-static sprays on clothing can also help to reduce the buildup of static electricity in the body.

In some situations, however, electric shocks can be more dangerous. For example, if someone comes into contact with a live electrical wire, they can experience a much more severe shock that can cause serious injury or even death. It is important to take precautions when working around electricity, such as wearing protective gear and ensuring that all electrical equipment is properly grounded.

How to Discharge Static Electricity in the Body?

The person can get rid of the static electricity in their body by stepping on clean soil with bare feet.

Static Electricity - Key takeaways Static electricity is defined as the disproportion of electric charges inside or on the surface of a substance. A build-up of electric charge occurs when the number of negative charges is more or less than the number of positive charges, or vice versa. If the number of negative charges is more than the number of positive charges, the charge is negative, and if it is less, the charge is positive. The SI unit of the electric charge is the Coulomb (C).The gain or loss of electrons by a material is called charging. When uncharged (neutral) objects are brought close to each other, no attraction or repulsion is observed.Electron exchange takes place between objects that are rubbed against each other. Objects charged by friction are charged with equal and opposite electric charges. The electron-accepting object is charged with a -q charge, while the electron-donating object is charged with a +q charge.Objects charged with opposite electric charges attract each other, and objects charged the same charge repel each other.Static electricity is generally used in photocopying, air filters (especially electrostatic precipitators), automotive paints, paint sprays, theatres, operating rooms, dust testing and printers.

Static Electricity

What is static electricity?

Static electricity is defined as the build up of electric charges inside or on the surface of a substance.

What causes static electricity?

A build up of electric charge on the surface of an object- causes static electricity.

How to get rid of static electricity?

The most effective way to remove static electricity from the body is to take a bath. Also, the person can get rid of the static electricity in their body by stepping on clean soil with bare feet.

Is static electricity a contact force?

Electrostatic forces are non-contact forces.

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