Gun license application ky


Concealed deadly weapons

The Department of Kentucky State Police is authorized by KRS 237.110 to issue and renew licenses to carry concealed firearms or other deadly weapons, or a combination thereof, to qualified persons. The Kentucky State Police website provides the option to apply for a carrying concealed deadly weapons license online. Individuals can register and create personal accounts that allow them to apply, renew, request replacement, update their information or simply monitor their current license status.

CCDW Topics:

Frequently Asked Questions

Permitless Carry


Is there still a reason to get a CCDW license?

Yes. Most states still require a ccdw license to carry a concealed weapon, and kentucky’s permitless carry laws do not apply out of state. A CCDW license will also assist in weapons purchases from licensed dealers and provide the holder with training and familiarity with gun laws.

Any person over 21, who is eligible to lawfully possess a firearm, under state and federal law may carry concealed deadly weapons, concealed on or about his or her person. Persons under age 21 may be eligible to possess a firearm, but are not allowed to carry the firearm (or other deadly weapon) concealed in Kentucky. Persons who are over 21, but not eligible to lawfully possess a firearm, may be legally eligible to possess other deadly weapons, but they are not permitted to carry any deadly weapon concealed, under Kentucky law.

Where can those who qualify carry concealed deadly weapons, under this law?

In the same places allowed for persons with a CCDW license issued pursuant to KRS 237.110. Concealed deadly weapons may not be carried in any place prohibited by federal law or in places where concealed carry is not permitted under KRS 237.110 or KRS 527.020.

What about carry into other states?

Carry of concealed deadly weapons by Kentucky residents visiting other states is governed by the laws of those other states. At this time, only states that require no license for any person to carry a concealed weapon would allow Kentucky residents to carry concealed deadly weapons with no CCDW license. The laws of those states may also differ on what weapons may be carried.

What about visitors to Kentucky who are residents of other states or foreign countries?

Any person who is eligible to possess a firearm under the laws of the united states and the commonwealth of Kentucky, is permitted to carry a concealed firearm or other concealed deadly weapon in Kentucky, without regard to their citizenship or state of residence.

How can I find a certified instructor for the required training class?

You can contact your local sheriff office and they will have a listing of all instructors in your area.

How will I be notified when it is time to renew my CCDW license?

One hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration date of the license, a written notice of expiration and a renewal form shall be mailed to each licensee.

What if I fail to renew my CCDW license by the expiration date?

A licensee who fails to file a renewal application on or before the license expiration date may renew their license by paying, in addition to the license fees, a late fee of fifteen dollars ($15). No license shall be renewed six (6) months or more after its expiration date, and the license shall be deemed permanently expired six (6) months after its expiration date. A person whose license has permanently expired may reapply for a CCDW licensure pursuant to KRS 237.110.

How do I obtain a replacement for a lost, stolen or destroyed license?

If your license is lost, stolen or destroyed you must complete a request for duplicate CCDW license (KSP 126) form at the office of the sheriff of your county of residence and provide a check or money order, payable to the Kentucky state treasurer, in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00).

I applied the same time as someone else, and they already received their license, but I haven’t.

The processing time for each application will vary. It depends on different circumstances, such as background checks or whether the application was submitted correctly.

My license is expired and has been purged, how do I get my license back?

A licensee who fails to file a renewal application on or before its expiration date may renew his or her license by paying, in addition to the license fees, a late fee of fifteen dollars ($15). No license shall be renewed six (6) months or more after its expiration date, and the license shall be deemed to be permanently expired six (6) months after its expiration date. A person whose license has permanently expired may reapply for a license. KRS 237.110(14)(c).

I lost my training certificate; do I have to take the training again?

A valid training certificate is good for life. If you need a duplicate certificate, send a written request which includes your full name, social security number, and current mailing address to the Department of Criminal Justice Training by fax at (859) 622-8387 or by mail.

I did not receive my flashpak in the mail.

Flashpaks are mailed to the address that is currently on file with the ccdw section. If you have moved, you must complete a change of personal information form (available at the office of the sheriff for your county of residence).

• To request a duplicate flashpak, contact the CCDW Section at (502) 782-9792.

• Renewal flashpaks are mailed 120 days prior to expiration of the license.

• P.O. Box will override a street address.

Can I change my address by fax or telephone?

The CCDW section cannot update an address via telephone or fax. A change of personal information form must be completed at the sheriff’s department.

Can I transfer my concealed weapons license or training certificate from another state to Kentucky?

There is no statutory authority for another state’s license to carry a concealed weapon to be transferred to Kentucky. Individuals that wish to apply for a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon in Kentucky must meet the requirements set forth in KRS 237.110, including the residency and training requirements. Currently, no waiver of the training requirement is authorized based upon prior completion of out of state training approved for obtaining a license in another jurisdiction. The only training waivers authorized by statute are for the following individuals listed in KRS 237.110(6):

(a) Peace officers who are currently certified as peace officers by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council pursuant to KRS 15.380 to 15.404 and peace officers who are retired and are members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, State Police Retirement System, or County Employees Retirement System or other retirement system operated by or for a city, county, or urban-county in Kentucky shall be deemed to have met the training requirement.

(b) Current and retired peace officers of the following federal agencies shall be deemed to have met the training requirement:

  1. Any peace officer employed by a federal agency specified in KRS 61.365;
  2. Any peace officer employed by a federal civilian law enforcement agency not specified above who has successfully completed the basic law enforcement training course required by that agency;
  3. Any military peace officer of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force, or a reserve component thereof, or of the Army Reserve or Air Force Reserve who has successfully completed the military law enforcement training course required by that branch of the military; and
  4. Any member of the United States Coast Guard serving in a peace officer role who has successfully completed the law enforcement training course specified by the United States Coast Guard.”
Carrying a Weapon

I am not prohibited from possessing a firearm, but do not have a carry concealed deadly weapon (CCDW) license. Can i transport a firearm in my vehicle without violating the prohibition in KRS 527.020 Against carrying a concealed deadly weapon?

KRS 527.020(8) states in part that:
“A loaded or unloaded firearm or other deadly weapon shall not be deemed concealed on or about the person if it is located in any enclosed container, compartment, or storage space installed as original equipment in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer, including but not limited to a glove compartment, center console, or seat pocket, regardless of whether said enclosed container, storage space, or compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism. No person or organization, public or private, shall prohibit a person from keeping a loaded or unloaded firearm or ammunition, or both, or other deadly weapon in a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. Any attempt by a person or organization, public or private, to violate the provisions of this subsection may be the subject of an action for appropriate relief or for damages in a Circuit Court or District Court of competent jurisdiction. This subsection shall not apply to any person prohibited from possessing a firearm pursuant to KRS 527.040.”

KRS 527.020(1) states that: “A person is guilty of carrying a concealed weapon when he or she carries concealed a firearm or other deadly weapon on or about his or her person.”

KRS 527.020(9) establishes the following penalty: “Carrying a concealed weapon is a Class A misdemeanor, unless the defendant has been previously convicted of a felony in which a deadly weapon was possessed, used, or displayed, in which case it is a Class D felony.”

The above information is provided solely for your convenience and is not intended to constitute a formal legal opinion or legal advice. If you have any additional questions on transporting deadly weapons in a vehicle, including whether a particular means of transportation would violate the prohibition against carrying a concealed deadly weapon, you may wish to consult an attorney.

I am a peace officer from another state, can I carry my weapon concealed?

A full-time paid peace officer of a government agency from another state or territory of the united states or an elected sheriff from another territory of the united states may carry a concealed deadly weapon in Kentucky, on or off duty, if the other state or territory accords a Kentucky full-time paid peace officer and a Kentucky elected sheriff the same rights by law. If the other state or territory limits a Kentucky full-time paid peace officer or elected sheriff to carrying a concealed deadly weapon while on duty, then that same restriction shall apply to a full-time paid peace officer or elected sheriff from that state or territory.

Is it legal for a minor to possess a handgun?

KRS 527.100 provides as follows:

  1. A person is guilty of possession of a handgun by a minor when, being under the age of eighteen (18) years, he possesses, manufactures, or transports a handgun as defined by KRS 527.010, except when the person is:
    1. In attendance at a hunter’s safety course or a firearms safety course;
    2. Engaging in practice in the use of a firearm, or target shooting at an established firing range, or any other area where the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited;
    3. Engaging in an organized competition involving the use of a firearm, or participating in or practicing for a performance by a group organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor thereto which uses firearms as a part of the performance;
    4. Hunting or trapping pursuant to a valid license issued to him pursuant to the statutes or administrative regulations of this Commonwealth;
    5. Traveling to or from any activity described in paragraphs (a) to (d) of this subsection with any unloaded handgun in his possession;
    6. On real property which is under the control of an adult and has the permission of that adult and his parent or legal guardian to possess a handgun; or
    7. At his residence and with the permission of his parent or legal guardian possesses a handgun and is justified under the principles of justification set forth in KRS Chapter 503 in using physical force or deadly physical force.
    1. There is a cartridge in the chamber of the handgun; or
    2. There is a cartridge in the cylinder of the handgun, if the handgun is a revolver; or
    3. There is a cartridge in the magazine of a semiautomatic handgun, if the magazine is attached to the handgun; or
    4. The handgun and the ammunition for the handgun, are carried on the person of one under the age of eighteen (18) years or are in such close proximity to him that he could readily gain access to the handgun and the ammunition and load the handgun.

    The above information is provided solely for your convenience and is not intended to constitute a formal legal opinion or legal advice. In addition, this response does not address any restrictions that may apply under federal law or the laws of other states. If you have any additional questions on this subject, you may wish to consult an attorney.

    1. A retired/former peace officer from another state that possesses a valid carry concealed weapons license issued by another state may, subject to the provisions of Kentucky law, carry a concealed deadly weapon in Kentucky. In addition, a retired/former peace officer that possesses a valid certification and identification to carry a concealed deadly weapon pursuant to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), 18 U.S.C. 926C, may carry a concealed deadly weapon in Kentucky. However, 18 U.S.C. 926C(b) provides that:”This section shall not be construed to supersede or limit the laws of any State that –
      1. Permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property; or
      2. Prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property, installation, building, base, or park.”

      The above information is provided solely for the convenience of the public and is not intended to constitute a formal legal opinion or legal advice. You may wish to consult an attorney if you have any questions on carrying a concealed deadly weapon in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

      I have a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon. Is there any place i am not allowed to carry concealed?

      Except as provided in KRS 527.020, no license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any person to carry a concealed firearm into: (a) Any police station or sheriff’ office; (b) Any detention facility, prison, or jail; (c) Any courthouse, solely occupied by the Court of Justice courtroom, or court proceeding; (d) Any meeting of the governing body of a county, municipality, or special district; or any meeting of the General Assembly or a committee of the General Assembly, except that nothing in this section shall preclude a member of the body, holding a concealed deadly weapon license, from carrying a concealed deadly weapon at a meeting of the body of which he or she is a member; (e) Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense beer or alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to that purpose; (f) Any elementary or secondary school facility without the consent of school authorities as provided in KRS 527.070, any child-caring facility as defined in KRS 199.011, any day-care center as defined in KRS 199.894, or any certified family child-care home as defined in KRS 199.8982, except however, any owner of a certified child-care home may carry a concealed firearm into the owner’ residence used as a certified child-care home; (g) An area of an airport to which access is controlled by the inspection of persons and property; or (h) Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law.

      In addition to the above restrictions, units of state and local governments and postsecondary education facilities (colleges, universities, technical schools and community colleges) have the authority to limit the carrying of concealed weapons on property owned or controlled by them (KRS 237.115). Further, Kentucky law does not prohibit the owners of private premises from excluding persons carrying firearms.

      The website for the Kentucky legislature ( includes Chapters 237, 244 and 527 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, which set forth in more detail the circumstances under which an individual may carry a weapon in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. However, the Department of Kentucky State Police is not authorized to issue legal opinions to the public and this e-mail is being provided as a courtesy for informational purposes only. If you have any questions about the matters addressed herein you should seek an opinion from the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Office of the Attorney General or private counsel. The contact information for the Office of the Attorney General is as follows:

      Office of the Attorney General
      Capitol Suite 118
      700 Capitol Avenue
      Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-3449

      This response does not address any restrictions that may apply under federal law, or on federal property. You may wish to contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) with any questions you have in regard to federal law on this subject. The contact information for the ATF is:

      U.S. Department of Justice
      Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
      Louisville Field Division
      600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Place
      Suite 500
      Louisville, KY 40202
      Phone: (502) 753-3400
      Fax: (502) 753-3401

      Permitless Carry How long is the license valid?

      Five years from the date of issuance unless suspended or revoked.

      For what reasons would a license be denied, suspended or revoked?

      The reasons an application may be denied, or a license revoked or suspended, include the following:

      • Conviction of a felony.
      • Being under indictment for a felony.
      • Conviction of Assault in the fourth degree within the past three years.
      • Conviction of terroristic threatening in the third degree within the past three years.
      • Conviction of a misdemeanor relating to a controlled substance within the past three years.
      • Conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
      • Being an unlawful user of, or being addicted to, any controlled substance.
      • Conviction of two DUIs within the past three years.
      • Commitment for alcohol or drug abuse within the past three years.
      • Adjudication as an incompetent or having been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.
      • An active emergency protective order or domestic violence order.
      • Owing a child support arrearage which equals or exceeds the cumulative amount which would be owed after one (1) year of nonpayment, if the Department of Kentucky State Police has been notified of the arrearage by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
      • Failure to comply with any subpoena or warrant relating to child support or paternity proceedings. If the Department of Kentucky State Police has not been notified by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services that the applicant has failed to meet this requirement, the Department of Kentucky State Police shall assume that paternity and child support proceedings are not an issue.
      • Being a fugitive from justice.
      • Dishonorable discharge from the Armed Forces.
      • A discrepancy concerning the age or training requirements.
      • Being ineligible to purchase, receive or possess a firearm, ammunition or both under state or federal law.

      Note – While some disqualifiers listed above have a three-year limitation, other disqualifiers, such as conviction of a felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, do not have a time limitation.

      What weapons are covered under the CCDW license?

      • Any weapon from which a shot, readily capable of producing death or serious physical injury, may be discharged.

      • Any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or hunting knife.

      • Billy, nightstick, or club.

      • Blackjack or slapjack.

      • Nunchaku karate sticks.

      • Shiriken or death star.

      • Artificial knuckles made from plastic, or other similar hard material.

      I have recently moved, how do I notify the state police of my new address?

      You are required to notify the Kentucky State Police within thirty days after the changing of a permanent address. Failure to do so is a noncriminal violation with a penalty of twenty-five dollars payable to the clerk of the District Court. To change or update your address, you must complete a Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons Licensee Request for Change of Personal Information (KSP 121) at the office of the Sheriff of your county of residence. Once completed, the Sheriff will forward the information to the Kentucky State Police.

      Some of the information listed on my CCDW license is incorrect. How do I notify the state police of this?

      To change or update your personal information, you must complete a Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons Licensee Request for Change of Personal Information (KSP 121) at the office of the Sheriff of your county of residence. Once completed, the Sheriff will forward the information to the Kentucky State Police.