How To Write An Application Letter In Nigeria To Make Sure You’ll Get A Job

Applying to a job has become rather arduous and challenging task in our modern society. The demand for a position often a couple of times higher, than the supply, which make the authority of an employer the higher.

If you want to increase your chances in getting a job, you should try to impress the person you’re going to work for; you should try to stand out from the crowd. And the best instrument for this purpose is an application letter for a job .

Thus, a person does not normally apply for a new job position before they find a clear answer to the question “ How to write application letter for job vacancy in Nigeria ?”

But to do it right you need to know precisely how to write a good application letter in Nigeria . Here are a few pieces of advice, that will help you to do it right.

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How to write an application letter: 6 steps

The question “ How do i write an application letter? ” should not cause anxiety or panic. On the contrary, Nigerian job application for a cook and an application letter to INEC will look very similar due to the general formal letter format in Nigeria . Follow these directions to write an application letter for a job in Nigeria .

Let’s suppose you have already picked the vacancy from the list of job offers, read the description carefully, checked company’s background, and the last thing is to find out how to make an application letter to get this job

Do some more research

Read the description attentively one more time. Note the key requirements and duties. The application letter for employment should explain why you fit for the current job position, so you should focus on what is required during the letter writing process. In other words, match your skills with employer’s needs and describe it in an attractive form.

Create the lists

Take a separate piece of paper and write down your previous job positions in one column and duties in the other one. Then, list separately your soft and hard skills.


Every example of application letter is an extract from job history. Your letter of application should feature only what matters for the current vacancy. Take a pen and strike through what does is not important for an application letter for this particular job in this specific company . Leave only what is suitable and leave out all the rest.


After you know what to write in this application for employment letter , you should arrange the information in a proper way. Take a look at example of an application letter in Nigeria included above to get the understanding of Nigerian application letter format .

Remember that you are learning how to write a job application letter , so you should operate with facts, not literary devices. At the same time, remember about grammar and spelling – literacy always matters.


As you have already understood, there is no any single universal manual or any brand book on how to write an application letter for employment in Nigeria . As format for application letter is quite adaptive, you can alter the size, wordage, fonts etc.

Nevertheless, there is an unconventional rule for job application letter format : clarity. Thus, it should not be more than one page long, with 1” margins, single spaced, and use one of the traditional fonts (Times New Roma, Arial, or Calibri) between 10 and 12 points. Such formatting makes your application letter for employment suitable for every company in Nigeria .


The inseparable part of your “ how to write a formal letter in Nigeria ” quest is proffreading. There is hardly an employer, who will be glad to offer a job to a person, who writes with mistakes and typos.

Of course, you may be excited or nervous, for a single letter is going to decide the future of your career. Nevertheless, after saying to yourself “ I want to write an application letter, ” clear your mind and get ready to spend some time for proofreading and re-writing.

1. Be short and specific

A lot of employers and HR managers look only at the application letters without paying any attention to the CV at first, as they have a lot of people applying for the position.

You don’t want to write too long of a letter, as it will automatically mean, that your letter your letter is more likely to be skipped. But you should make a good first impression, so you also shouldn’t miss anything important.

2. State the benefits to the employer

One of the main tips on how to write an application letter is to skip the benefits the job will give you and focus on what you can offer for the job. Obviously, this point should be based upon the position you’re applying, so try avoiding cliché phrases. Think about what the employer expects you to do and to say.

3. Describe yourself

This doesn’t mean you should reveal your appearance, you should rather state your personal qualities in a way you couldn’t do in your resume. Your personality is important for any job you’re applying, and especially if it involves working in a team or with clients.

You can include some kind of a story about the experience you’ve had on your previous job or just generally something, that will define you as a person. Remember to be brief and to the point.

4. Address the letter directly to the person

Start your letter with “Dear Mr. Smith” or, if you don’t know the name of the person who is going to read your letter, “Dear Hiring Manager”. You can address the manager in the text by using pronouns. End the letter by informing the person, who reads it that you will be thrilled to hear from them.

5. General style

To know, how to write an application letter for a job vacancy, you need to understand the details of the style of the text you’re about to write.

Generally, application letters come in journalistic style – like a kind of essay about you. In some cases, though, it is better to use more businesslike style. Check the whole text for a couple of times to be sure there are no mistakes, use special apps if you need to.

6. Proofread

Already mentioned, this is one of the main thinks of “ how to write application letter ” success formula.

Now you know how to write a letter , so put all your doubts aside and apply for your dream job right now.

What is job application letter

Application letter is a document that is usually mailed together with your CV. One or several application letters attached in your email are the short summary of your long list of experiences and qualifications.

Also known as cover letter for job application, it should explain, why exactly do you want to get the job you’re applying to and why your candidacy is the right choice for the company. If it is the first time job vacancy letter is required and you know nothing about how to write an application letter for a job , do not worry.

To get your point across the best way possible you need to follow the right format of application letter . Here is a sample of an application letter you can use when looking for a job in Nigeria .

This sample of job application letter may be very helpful for your job application in Nigeria . Nevertheless, do not forget that a sample cover letter for job application is not the only possible variant of Nigerian formal letter you can use.

Dealing with “ How to write an application letter? ” requires certain flexibility and sometimes creativity. The sample of application letter for employment in Nigeria will help to get thoughts together. Remember that every application for employment is unique, as it deals with individual achievements, skills, and experiences.

Consequently, your application letter can (and probably should) be a bit different. Do not hesitate to customize some parts if needed or to use elements from samples of application letters if you have found more samples of application letter in Nigeria .

Just remember that you are writing a business document, so your application letter format should not include metaphors, fiction etc.

How to write a cover letter for a job application: structure

Job application letter format in Nigeria and not only in Nigeria features several key elements – each obligatory, situated in its own fixed position, and with the specific purpose.


Every Nigerian application letter should begin with contact information, both yours and employer’s. A standard application letter for job includes name, address, phone number, email, and is followed by the date. A sample of application letter looks the following way:

Your Contact Information

Employer’s Contact Information

The next part is greeting. According to formal letter format , it goes the following way: “Dear Mr./Ms. + Last Name.”


A standard Nigerian application letter consists of 3 body paragraphs.

  1. Mention the job you are applying for, where you have found the offer, and why it is interesting for you.
  2. This is the most important part of every job application letter . Describe your experience, accomplishments, and skills to prove they perfectly match the employer’s requirements.
  3. The final part of letter of application for employment should include thanks to the employer and follow-up information.

Complimentary close

The final part of every cover letter for job application is a “formal farewell.” The sample of a closing part application letter in Nigeria can look like this:

This is the generally accepted application letter format in Nigeria , which can be used as a manual for any company.